Scott Polar Research Institute – Transits 2022


R. K. Headland; with colleagues, friends, shipmates, and associates
revised 10 November 2024

Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom, CB2 1ER.

The earliest traverse of the Northwest Passage was completed in 1853 starting in the Pacific Ocean to reach the Atlantic
Ocean, but used sledges over the sea ice of the central part of Parry Channel. Gjøa, the first vessel to accomplish this did so in
1906. Subsequently the following 430 complete maritime transits of the Northwest Passage have been made to the end of the
2024 navigation season, before winter began when the passage froze. These transits have proceeded to or from the Atlantic
Ocean (Labrador Sea) in or out of the eastern approaches to the Canadian Arctic archipelago (Lancaster Sound or Foxe Basin)
then the western approaches (McClure Strait or Amundsen Gulf), across the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea of the Arctic
Ocean, through the Bering Strait, from or to the Bering Sea of the Pacific Ocean. The Arctic Circle is crossed near the
beginning and the end of all transits except those to or from the central or northern coast of west Greenland. The routes and
directions are indicated. Details of submarine transits are not included because only two have been reported (1960 USS Sea
Dragon, Capt. George Peabody Steele, westbound on route 1 and 1962 USS Skate, Capt. Joseph Lawrence Skoog, eastbound
on route 1).

Seven principal routes have been used for transits of the Northwest Passage with occasional variations (for example south
round Bylot Island or north round Melville Island) and three composite courses in summers when ice permitted (marked ‘cp’).

These are shown on the map following, and proceed westbound as follows:

1: Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound, Barrow Strait, Viscount Melville Sound, McClure Strait, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea,
Bering Strait. The shortest and deepest, but difficult and northernmost, way owing to severe ice in, and west, of McClure
Strait. The route is preferred by submarines because of its depth.

2: Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound, Barrow Strait, Viscount Melville Sound, Prince of Wales Strait, Amundsen Gulf,
Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait. An easier variant of route 1 which may avoid severe ice in McClure Strait. It is
suitable for deep draft vessels.

3: Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound, Barrow Strait, Peel Sound, Franklin Strait, Victoria Strait, Coronation Gulf, Amundsen
Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait. The principal route; used by larger vessels of draft less than 14 m.

4: Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound, Barrow Strait, Peel Sound, Rae Strait, Simpson Strait, Coronation Gulf, Amundsen
Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait. A variant of route 3 for smaller vessels if ice from McClintock Channel has
blocked Victoria Strait. Simpson Strait, although buoyed, is only 6·4 m deep, it has shoals with complex currents.

5: Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound, Prince Regent Inlet, Bellot Strait, Franklin Strait, Victoria Strait, Coronation Gulf,
Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait. This route is dependent on ice in Bellot Strait which has complex
tidal currents.

6: Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound, Prince Regent Inlet, Bellot Strait, Rae Strait, Simpson Strait, Coronation Gulf,
Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait. A variant of route 5 for smaller vessels if ice from McClintock
Channel has blocked Victoria Strait. Simpson Strait, although buoyed, is only 6·4 m deep, complex currents run in it and in
Bellot Strait.

7: Hudson Strait, Foxe Basin, Fury and Hecla Strait, Bellot Strait, Franklin Strait, Victoria Strait, Coronation Gulf,
Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait. A difficult, but shorter, route owing to severe ice west of Fury and
Hecla Strait and currents of Bellot Strait.

The list is in alphabetical order of vessel names in the years of completion of the voyages (the voyage numbers do not
necessarily indicate precedence). Superscript numbers in the list are cumulative numbers of individual vessels, commands,
flags, etc. Annual summary numbers of transits are indicated by Ʃ followed by a generalised division in four categories.

An analysis of the transit routes used through the Northwest Passage to the end of navigation in 2024 shows:

Route 1 West 5 East 0 Total 5
Route 2 West 13 East 5 Total 18
Route 3 West 67 East 38 Total 105
Route 4 West 54 East 12 Total 66
Route 5 West 52 East 54 Total 106
Route 6 West 47 East 53 Total 100
Route 7 West 12 East 15 Total 27
Route Composite West 2 East 1 Total 3
Overall West 252 East


Grand  Total


Transit Routes:


Complete transits have been made by 297 different vessels (several with changed names), 31 of these are icebreakers
which have made 60 transits. Kapitan Khlebnikov has made 18 transits, Hanseatic 11, Bremen 10 (2 with the former name,
Frontier Spirit), Polar Bound 7, 1 vessel has made 6, 2 vessels have each made 5, 15 vessels have made 3 transits, and 49
have made 2. More than one year was taken by 33 of these vessels, mainly small craft, to complete a transit wintering at
various places along the route (complements of some left for winter returning in a later navigation season). Return transits in
one season have been made by 11 vessels. The vessels are from 46 registries: 55 Netherlands; 51 Canada; 48 France; 43 United
States; 41 Bahamas; 29 Britain; 26 Russia; 18 Cayman Islands; 13 Germany and Norway; 9 New Zealand; 8 Poland; 7
Australia; 6 Finland, Marshall Islands, Sweden, and Switzerland; 5 Austria, Belgium, and Malta; 3 Denmark; 2 Antigua and
Barbuda, Jamaica, and Panama; 1 from Barbados, Brasil, China (Beijing), Cook Islands, Croatia, Curaçao, Czechia, Estonia,
Greenland, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland (Dublin), Israel, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Nouvelle Calédonie, Singapore, Slovakia,
Slovenia, South Africa, and Spain.

Specific passenger vessels have made 91 transits, but only 47 transits conveyed commercial cargo (42 being Wagenborg
vessels). Others were for repositioning and supply, research, or other work, in the Arctic. 14 vessels circumnavigated the
Arctic Ocean, entering the Pacific Ocean before or after transiting the Northern Sea Route (Northeast Passage). David Scott
Cowper and Viktor Vasiliev have commanded 8 transits, Heinz Aye, Piotr Golikov and Patrick Marchesseau 6, Étienne Garcia
and Thilo Natke 5.

Several other vessels, including recent small craft, have traversed the Canadian Arctic archipelago, Beaufort Sea and
Chukchi Sea to or from Russian waters. Those which neither transited Bering Strait nor entered the Pacific Ocean are not
included in this list, although some circumnavigated the Arctic Ocean. Many other voyages have been made through the
archipelago of the Canadian Arctic, notably the return voyage of the experimental oil tanker Manhattan with escort vessels
which reached Barrow, on the Arctic coast of Alaska, in 1969 from the Atlantic Ocean, but did not continue to the Pacific
Ocean before returning eastbound. Similarly constraints are applied to voyages which ended in Pond Inlet, the region of the
Mackenzie Delta, or comparable locations, where a vessel was towed while unoccupied, or carried partly as deck cargo
(including Baymaud, 1926-2017). These can not regarded as complete transits of the Northwest Passage; incomplete transits
have become too numerous to record. Nationalities: principles adopted for these are the approved English short forms applied
by several international organizations and published by The Times Atlas.

Sources include a compilation by Thomas Pullen and Charles Swithinbank published in Polar Record (1991), with advice
from Frank van den Anker (Wagenborg), Lawson Brigham (USCG), Peter Capelotti (USCG), David Cowper (Fort Ross
visits), David Fletcher, Steffen Graupner, Al Guadagno (Wagenborg), Chris Havern (USCG), Jean-Pierre Lehnert (CCG),
Guus van der Linde, Brian McDonald (CCG), John MacFarlane, Fred McCague, Marcel Pera (Biglift), Richard de Rijk,
(Wagenborg), Louis Robert, Peter Semotiuk, Tony Soper, Patrick Toomey (CCG), Victor Wejer, Fred Williams, and
Christopher Wright, personal observations made during several transits, many publications, advice from persons directly
involved and several internet sites (with various degrees of reliability). Advice of subsequent voyages, corrections and
additions, or similar details is appreciated.

Data: the list is subject to annual revision with review and confirmation as additional information and improved
details are received. Occasionally, and unfortunately, falsified data have been submitted; when detected these are expunged
and the record revised. Advice of corrections and additions is appreciated; <>. A copy of the latest iteration
is available from the same source. This may also be found, summarized after the end of a navigation season and with the latest
data, on

List of Transits

Seq. Nr.FromToVessel NameVessel TypeLength (m)FlagMasterDirectionRoute
119031906Gjoa (1)Auxiliary Sloop21Norway (1)Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (1)WestRoute #4
219401942St Roch (1)RCMP Auxiliary Schooner30Canada (1)Henry Asbjørn Larsen (1)EastRoute #6
319441944St Roch (2)RCMP Auxiliary Schooner0Canada (2)Henry Asbjørn Larsen (2)WestRoute #2
419541954HMCS Labrador (1)Icebreaker0Canada (3)Owen Connor Struan Robertson (1)WestRoute #2
519571957USCGC Bramble (1)Buoy Tender0United States (1)Henry Hart Carter (1)EastRoute #6
619571957USCGC Spar (1)Buoy Tender0United States (2)Charles Vinal Cowing (1)EastRoute #6
719571957USCGC Storis (1)Icebreaker0United States (3)Harold Lambert Wood (1)EastRoute #6
819671967CCGS John A. McDonald (1)Icebreaker0Canada (4)Paul Moise Fournier (1)WestRoute #3
919691969USCGC Northwind (1)Icebreaker0United States (4)Donald J. McCann (1)EastRoute #5
1019691969USCGC Northwind (2)Icebreaker0United States (5)Donald J. McCann (2)WestRoute #3
1119691969USCGC Staten Island (1)Icebreaker0United States (6)Eugene F. Walsh (1)EastRoute #2
1219701970CSS Baffin (1)Icebreaker (Research)0Canada (5)Paul M. Brick (1)EastRoute #2
1319701970CSS Hudson (1)Icebreaker (Research)0Canada (6)David W. Butler (1)EastRoute #2
1419751975Pandora II (1)Hydrographic Vessel0Canada (7)R. Dickinson (1)EastRoute #7
1519751975Theta (1)Research Vessel0Canada (8)K. Maro (1)EastRoute #7
1619751975CSS Skidgate (1)Buoy Tender0Canada (9)Peter Kallis (1)EastRoute #6
1719761976CCGS J. E. Bernier (1)Icebreaker0Canada (10)Paul Pelland (1)EastRoute #3
1819771977Williwaw (1)Sloop13Netherlands (1)Willy de Roos (1)WestRoute #4
1919761978J. E. Bernier II (1)Sloop12Canada (11)Real Bouvier (1)WestRoute #4
2019781978CCGS Pierre Radisson (1)Icebreaker0Canada (12)Patrick Robert Michael Toomey (1)EastRoute #2
2119791979CCGS Louis S. St Laurent (1)Icebreaker0Canada (13)George Burdock (1)WestRoute #2
2219801980CCGS J. E. Bernier (2)Icebreaker0Canada (14)E. Chasse (1)EastRoute #4
2319801980Pandora II (2)Hydrographic Vessel0Canada (15)Robin A. Jones (1)EastRoute #4
2419811981CSS Hudson (2)Icebreaker (Research)0Canada (16)Frederick Mauger (1)EastRoute #3
2519791982Mermaid (1)Sloop15Japan (1)Kenichi Horie (1)WestRoute #6
2619831983Arctic Shiko (1)Tug0Canada (17)S. Dool (1)EastRoute #3
2719831983Polar Circle (1)Research Vessel0Canada (18)J. A. Strand (1)EastRoute #4
2819841984Society Explorer/Lindblad Explorer (1)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Sweden (1)Hasse Nilsson (1)WestRoute #4
2919851985USCGC Polar Sea (1)Icebreaker0United States (7)John T. Howell (1)WestRoute #2
3019851985World Discoverer (1)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Singapore (1)Heinz Aye (1)EastRoute #6
3119761988Canmar Explorer II (1)Drilling Ship0Canada (19)Ronald Colby (1)WestRoute #3
3219831988Belvedere (1)Yacht18United States (8)Sven Johansson (1)EastRoute #6
3319851988Vagabond/Vagabond'eux (1)Yacht15France (1)Janusz Kurbiel (1985-1987) and Wojciech Jacobson (1988) (1)EastRoute #6
3419881988CCGS Henry A. Larsen (1)Icebreaker0Canada (20)Stephen A. Gomes (1)EastRoute #5
3519881988CCGS Martha L. Black (1)Icebreaker0Canada (21)Robert J. Mellis (1)EastRoute #5
3619881988USCGC Polar Star (1)Icebreaker0United States (9)Paul A. Taylor (1)EastRoute #3
3719881988Society Explorer/Lindblad Explorer (2)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (1)Heinz Aye (2)EastRoute #5
3819861989Mabel E. Holland (1)Lifeboat13Britain (1)David Scott Cowper (1)WestRoute #6
3919881989Northanger (1)Ketch15Britain (2)Richard Thomas (1)WestRoute #4
4019891989USCGC Polar Star (2)Icebreaker0United States (10)Robert Hammond (1)WestRoute #3
4119831990Ikaluk (1)Icebreaker0Canada (22)R. Cormier (1)EastRoute #3
4219911991CCGC Terry Fox (1)Icebreaker0Canada (23)Peter Kimmerley (1)EastRoute #3
4319901990USCGC Polar Sea (2)Icebreaker0United States (11)Joseph J. McCleland (1)WestRoute #3
4419921992Bremen/Frontier Spirit (1)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (2)Heinz Aye (3)WestRoute #3
4519921992Ikaluk (2)Icebreaker0Canada (24)R. Cormier (2)WestRoute #3
4619921992Kapitan Khlebnikov (1)Icebreaker0Russia (1)Piotr Golikov (1)EastRoute #3
4719931993Dagmar Aaen (1)Yacht0Germany (1)Arved Fuchs (1)WestRoute #5
4819931993Bremen/Frontier Spirit (2)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (3)Heinz Aye (4)WestRoute #3
4919931993Kapitan Khlebnikov (2)Icebreaker0Russia (2)Piotr Golikov (2)EastRoute #3
5019941994Hanseatic (1)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (4)Hartwig van Harling (1)WestRoute #3
5119941994Itasca (1)Converted Tug0Britain (3)Allan Jouning (1)EastRoute #4
5219941994Kapitan Khlebnikov (3)Icebreaker0Russia (3)Piotr Golikov (3)EastRoute #3
5319941994Kapitan Khlebnikov (4)Icebreaker0Russia (4)Piotr Golikov (4)WestRoute #2
5419951995Dove III (1)Yacht9Canada (25)Winston Bushnell (1)EastRoute #3
5519951995Hrvatska Cigra (1)Yacht20Croatia (1)Mladan Sutej (1)WestRoute #5
5619951995Kapitan Khlebnikov (5)Icebreaker0Russia (5)Viktor Vasiliev (1)EastRoute #5
5719961996Arctic Circle (1)Tug0Canada (26)Jack McCormack (1)EastRoute #3
5819961996Hanseatic (2)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (5)Hartwig van Harling (2)WestRoute #3
5919961996Kapitan Dranitsyn (1)Icebreaker0Russia (6)Oleg Agafonov (1)EastRoute #5
6019961996CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier (1)Icebreaker0Canada (27)Norman Thomas (1)EastRoute #5
6119971997Hanseatic (3)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (6)Heinz Aye (5)WestRoute #3
6219971997Kapitan Khlebnikov (6)Icebreaker0Russia (7)Viktor Vasiliev (2)EastRoute #3
6319981998Hanseatic (4)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (7)Heinz Aye (6)EastRoute #3
6419981998Kapitan Khlebnikov (7)Icebreaker0Russia (8)Piotr Golikov (5)EastRoute #3
6519991999Admiral Makarov (1)Icebreaker0Russia (9)Vadim Kholodenko (1)EastRoute #3
6619991999Irbis (1)Tug0Russia (10)Aleksandr Aleksenko (1)EastRoute #3
6719991999Kapitan Dranitsyn (2)Icebreaker0Russia (11)Viktor Terekhov (1)WestRoute #3
6819991999Ocean Search (1)Yacht13France (2)Olivier Pitras (1)EastRoute #6
6920002000Evohe (1)Yacht25New Zealand (1)Stephen Kafka (1)EastRoute #6
7020002000Hanseatic (5)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (8)Thilo Natke (1)WestRoute #3
7120002000USCGC Healy (1)Icebreaker0United States (12)Jeffrey M. Garrett (1)WestRoute #3
7220002000Kapitan Dranitsyn (3)Icebreaker0Russia (12)Viktor Terekhov (2)WestRoute #3
7320002000Nadon (1)RCMP Catamaran18Canada (28)Kenneth Burton (1)EastRoute #6
7420002000Simon Fraser (1)Icebreaker0Canada (29)Robert J. Mellis (2)EastRoute #6
7520012001Kapitan Khlebnikov (8)Icebreaker0Russia (13)Viktor Vasiliev (3)EastRoute #3
7620012001Kapitan Khlebnikov (9)Icebreaker0Russia (14)Viktor Vasiliev (4)WestRoute #1
7720012001Northabout (1)Yacht15Ireland (Eire) (1)Jarlath Cunnane (1)WestRoute #4
7820012001Dione Sky/Turmoil (1)Motor Yacht46Cayman Islands (1)Philip Walsh (1)WestRoute #4
7920012002Geco Snapper (1)Icebreaker (Research)0Panama (1)Craig Feeney (1)EastRoute #3
8020012002Nuage (1)Yacht13France (3)Michele Demai (1)EastRoute #5
8120022002Apostol Andrey (1)Yacht16Russia (15)Nikolay A. Litau (1)EastRoute #5
8220022002Arctic Kalvik (1)Icebreaker (Tug)0Barbados (1)Sanjeev Kumar (1)EastRoute #3
8320022002Hanseatic (6)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (9)Thilo Natke (2)WestRoute #3
8420022002Kapitan Khlebnikov (10)Icebreaker0Russia (16)Piotr Golikov (6)EastRoute #3
8520022002Sedna IV (1)Yacht51Canada (30)Stephan Guy (1)WestRoute #5
8620002003Olga (1)Motor Boat6Denmark (1)Anders Bilgram (1)WestRoute #6
8720032003Bremen/Frontier Spirit (3)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (10)Daniel Felgner (1)WestRoute #3
8820032003USCGC Healy (2)Icebreaker0United States (13)Daniel Oliver (1)WestRoute #3
8920032003Kapitan Khlebnikov (11)Icebreaker0Russia (17)Viktor Vasiliev (5)EastRoute #5
9020032003Norwegian Blue (1)Yacht13Britain (4)Andrew Wood (1)EastRoute #5
9120032003Vagabond/Vagabond'eux (2)Yacht15France (4)Eric Brossier (1)EastRoute #5
9220032004Dagmar Aaen (2)Yacht27Germany (2)Arved Fuchs (2)EastRoute #5
9320032004Polar Bound (1)Motor Boat15Britain (5)David Scott Cowper (2)EastRoute #5
9420042004Kapitan Khlebnikov (12)Icebreaker0Russia (18)Pavel Ankudinov (1)EastRoute #5
9520042005Fine Tolerance (1)Yacht14Australia (1)Philip Hogg (1)EastRoute #6
9620052005Idlewild (1)Motor Boat17Canada (31)Benjamin Grey (1)EastRoute #6
9720052005Kapitan Khlebnikov (13)Icebreaker0Russia (19)Viktor Vasiliev (6)EastRoute #3
9820052005Kapitan Khlebnikov (14)Icebreaker0Russia (20)Viktor Vasiliev (7)WestRoute #3
9920052005Oden (1)Icebreaker0Sweden (2)Anders Wikstrom (1)WestRoute #3
10020032006Minke I (1)Yacht13Canada (32)Peter Brook (1)EastRoute #6
10120082008Bremen/Frontier Spirit (4)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (11)Marc Behrend (1)WestRoute #4
10220062006Kapitan Khlebnikov (15)Icebreaker0Russia (21)Pavel Ankudinov (2)EastRoute #7
10320062006Nekton (1)Yacht14Poland (1)Tadeusz Natanek (1)WestRoute #6
10420062006Stary (1)Yacht14Poland (2)Dominik Bac / Jacek Waclawski & Slawek Skalmierski (1)WestRoute #6
10520072007Babouche (1)Catamaran8France (5)Sebastien Roubinet (1)EastRoute #5
10620072007Cloud Nine (1)Ketch17United States (14)Roger Swanson (1)WestRoute #4
10720072007Hanseatic (7)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (12)Ulf Wolter (1)WestRoute #5
10820072007Kapitan Khlebnikov (16)Icebreaker0Russia (22)Viktor Vasiliev (8)EastRoute #5
10920072007Luck Dragon (1)Yacht12Britain (6)Jeffrey Allison (1)WestRoute #3
11020052008Arctic Wanderer (1)Yacht12United States (15)Gary E. Ramos (1)EastRoute #6
11120082008Amodino (1)Yacht23Spain (1)Juan Ribos (1)EastRoute #4
11220082008Baloum Gwen (1)Yacht15Belgium (1)Thierry Fabing (1)WestRoute #4
11320082008Berrimilla (1)Yacht10Australia (2)Alexander Whitworth (1)EastRoute #4
11420082008Bremen/Frontier Spirit (5)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (13)Ulf Wolter (2)WestRoute #5
11520082008Peter Faber (1)Cable Layer0France (6)Robert Hansen (1)EastRoute #3
11620082008Geraldine (1)Yacht14United States (16)Walter Jones (1)WestRoute #3
11720082008Southern Star (1)Yacht24France (7)Olivier Pitras (2)WestRoute #4
11820082008Tyhina (1)Yacht10Australia (3)Peter Elliott (1)WestRoute #4
11920092009Apoise (1)Motor Vessel67Canada (33)David Ritchie (1)WestRoute #4
12020092009Bagan (1)Motor Boat17United States (17)Clinton Bolton (1)WestRoute #4
12120092009Bremen/Frontier Spirit (6)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (14)Marc Behrend (2)WestRoute #4
12220092009Baloum Gwen (2)Yacht15Belgium (2)Thierry Fabing (2)EastRoute #6
12320092009Fleur Australe (1)Yacht20France (8)Philippe Poupon (1)WestRoute #4
12420092009Fiona (1)Yacht13United States (18)Eric Forsyth (1)WestRoute #4
12520092009Glory of the Sea (1)Yacht15France (9)Charles Hedrich (1)WestRoute #4
12620092009Hanseatic (8)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (15)Thilo Natke (3)EastRoute #4
12720092009Ocean Watch (1)Yacht19United States (19)Mark Schrader (1)EastRoute #6
12820092009Perithia (1)Yacht15Germany (3)Uwe Wohnort (1)WestRoute #4
12920092009Polar Bound (2)Motor Boat15Britain (7)David Scott Cowper (3)WestRoute #5
13020092009Precipice (1)Yacht9United States (20)Rolland Trowbridge (1)WestRoute #6
13120092009Silent Sound (1)Yacht12Canada (34)Cameron Dueck (1)EastRoute #6
13220102010Ariel IV (1)Sloop15Sweden (3)Eric Boye (1)WestRoute #4
13320102010Astral Express (1)Yacht13New Zealand (2)Graeme Kendall (1)WestRoute #3
13420102010Dione Sky/Turmoil (2)Motor Yacht46Cayman Islands (2)Brian Harrison (1)WestRoute #2
13520102010Hanse Explorer (1)Motor Yacht48Antigua and Barbuda (1)Bernd Buchner (1)WestRoute #3
13620102010Hanseatic (9)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (16)Thilo Natke (4)WestRoute #4
13720102010Kapitan Khlebnikov (17)Icebreaker0Russia (23)Anatoliy Kovalenko (1)EastRoute #5
13820102010Octopus (1)Motor Yacht128Cayman Islands (3)Glenn Dalby (1)WestRoute #2
13920102010Rx II (1)Yacht11Norway (2)Trond Aasvoll (1)EastRoute #4
14020102010Sarema (1)Yacht15Finland (1)Pekka Kauppila (1)EastRoute #4
14120102010Solanus (1)Yacht15Poland (3)Bronisław Radliński (1)WestRoute #4
14220102010T6 (1)Motor Yacht49Cayman Islands (4)John Spencer (1)WestRoute #3
14320102010Young Larry (1)Yawl13Britain (8)Andrew Wilkes (1)WestRoute #4
14420102011Anna (1)Yawl11Sweden (4)Borje Ivarsson (1)WestRoute #4
14520102011Primula (1)Tanker0Norway (3)Bo R. Arenberg & Lars Jansson (1)EastRoute #3
14620112011Arcadia (1)Motor Yacht36Cayman Islands (5)James Pizzaruso (1)WestRoute #5
14720112011Asteria (1)Converted Tug0Marshall Islands (1)Donald Feil (1)WestRoute #3
14820112011Bremen/Frontier Spirit (7)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (17)Marc Behrend (3)EastRoute CP
14920112011Chamade (1)Yacht13Switzerland (1)Marc Decrey (1)WestRoute #4
15020112011Imvubu (1)Ketch16South Africa (1)Ralf Dominick (1)WestRoute #3
15120112011Issuma (1)Schooner15Canada (35)Richard Hudson (1)WestRoute #5
15220112011Kotuku (1)Yacht12New Zealand (3)Ian Douglass (1)EastRoute #6
15320112011Leava (1)Sloop13France (10)Alain Bataedat (1)EastRoute #6
15420112011Muktuk (1)Sloop14Austria (1)Karl Mayer (1)WestRoute #4
15520112011Pangaeas (1)Yacht35United States (21)Michael Horn (1)EastRoute #4
15620112011Polar Bound (3)Motor Boat15Britain (9)David Scott Cowper (4)EastRoute #3
15720112011Rus (1)Trimaran8Russia (24)Oleg Volynkin (1)WestRoute #5
15820112011St. Brendan (1)Yacht8United States (22)Matt Rutherford (1)WestRoute #4
15920112011Santa Maria Australis (1)Ketch20Germany (4)Wolf Kloss (1)WestRoute #4
16020112012Roxane (1)Sloop11France (11)Luc Dupont (1)WestRoute #4
16120112012Teleport (1)Junk Rigged Yacht9Australia (4)Christopher Bray (1)WestRoute #5
16220122012Beelzebub II (1)Yacht9Sweden (5)Edvin Buregren (1)WestRoute #1
16320122012Beothuk (1)Motor Vessel31Cayman Islands (6)Liam Devlin (1)WestRoute #6
16420122012Best Explorer (1)Yacht16Italy (1)Giovanni Acquarone (1)WestRoute #4
16520122012Billy Budd (1)Sloop34Britain (10)Clive Shute (1)WestRoute CP
16620122012Coriolis 14 (1)Yacht25France (12)Richard Mergeaux (1)WestRoute #2
16720122012Dodos Delight (1)Yacht10Britain (11)Robert Shepton (1)WestRoute #3
16820122012Fortrus (1)Motor Yacht50Britain (12)Scott Newson (1)WestRoute #6
16920122012Gotland Carolina (1)Tanker183Bahamas (18)J. Justin (1)WestRoute #2
17020122012Hanseatic (10)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (19)Thilo Natke (5)EastRoute #5
17120122012Jonathan III (1)Yacht15Netherlands (2)Mark van de Weg (1)WestRoute #4
17220122012Katharsis II (1)Yacht22Britain (13)Mariusz Koper (1)WestRoute #3
17320122012Marguerite (1)Sloop16France (13)Janusz Kurbiel (2)WestRoute #4
17420122012Nordwind (1)Yacht27Britain (14)Hans Albrecht (1)WestRoute #3
17520122012Octopus (2)Motor Yacht128Cayman Islands (7)Glenn Dalby (2)WestRoute #2
17620122012Philos (1)Schooner15Australia (5)Roger Wallis (1)WestRoute #4
17720122012Polar Bound (4)Motor Boat15Britain (15)David Scott Cowper (5)WestRoute #1
17820122012Sol (1)Yacht13Denmark (2)Kim Bork Mathiesen (1)EastRoute #5
17920122012The World (1)Condominium Vessel196Bahamas (20)Dag Harald Saevik (1)EastRoute #5
18020122012Tokimata (1)Yacht13New Zealand (4)Peter Garden (1)EastRoute #5
18120122012Upchuk (1)Motor Yacht16Britain (16)Frank Rothwell (1)EastRoute #4
18220122013Balthazar (1)Yacht11Canada (36)Guy Lavoie (1)WestRoute #6
18320122013Tranquilo (1)Cutter18Netherlands (3)Bart Veldink (1)EastRoute #5
18420132013Anna (2)Yawl11Sweden (6)Pelle Ivarsson (1)EastRoute #6
18520132013Arktika (1)Sloop15Finland (2)Gilles Elkaim (1)WestRoute #5
18620132013Bremen/Frontier Spirit (8)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (21)Roman Obrist (1)EastRoute #3
18720132013d Acalephe (1)Yacht14Canada (37)Jean-Gilles Lemieux (1)WestRoute #5
18820132013Dodos Delight (2)Yacht10Britain (17)Robert Shepton (2)EastRoute #5
18920132013Hanse Explorer (2)Motor Yacht48Antigua and Barbuda (2)Jens Kothen (1)WestRoute #5
19020132013Hanseatic (11)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (22)Marc Behrend (4)WestRoute #5
19120132013Isatis (1)Yacht14Nouvelle Caledonie (1)Jean-Pierre Levie (1)WestRoute #5
19220132013La Belle Epoque (1)Yacht13Austria (2)Jurgen Kirchberger (1)WestRoute #5
19320132013Lady M II (1)Motor Yacht50Marshall Islands (2)Jim Bulman (1)WestRoute #5
19420132013Le Soleal (1)Cruise Vessel0France (14)Étienne Garcia (1)WestRoute #6
19520132013Libellule (1)Catamaran14Switzerland (2)Philip Cottier (1)WestRoute #5
19620132013Michaela Rose (1)Motor Yacht49Britain (18)Tom Noorman (1)EastRoute #5
19720132013Nordic Orion (1)Ice-Strengthened Bulk Cargo Vessel0Panama (2)Sergey Danilov (1)EastRoute #3
19820132013Octopus (3)Motor Yacht128Cayman Islands (8)Jannek Olsson (1)EastRoute #5
19920132013Perd pas le Nord (1)Yacht15Belgium (3)Nicolas Mouchart (1)WestRoute #6
20020132013Polar Bound (5)Motor Boat15Britain (19)David Scott Cowper (6)EastRoute #5
20120132013Polar Prince (1)Icebreaker0Canada (38)Andrew Barry (1)EastRoute #5
20220132013Traversay III (1)Yacht14Canada (39)Laurence Roberts (1)WestRoute #5
20320132014Gitana (1)Schooner13United States (23)Michael Johnson (1)WestRoute #6
20420142014Altan Girl (1)Motor Vessel13Canada (40)Erkan Gursoy (1)EastRoute #6
20520142014Artic Tern (1)Sloop13Britain (20)Leslie Parsons (1)WestRoute #6
20620142014Drina (1)Ketch17Australia (6)Michael Thurston (1)WestRoute #6
20720142014Lady Dana 44 (1)Sloop14Poland (4)Ryszard Wojnowski (1)EastRoute #6
20820142014Latitude (1)Motor Yacht45Cayman Islands (9)Sean Meagher (1)WestRoute #6
20920142014L'Austral (1)Cruise Vessel0France (15)Patrick Marchesseau (1)WestRoute #4
21020142014Novara (1)Schooner18Britain (21)Stephen Brown (1)WestRoute #6
21120142014Nunavik (1)Ice-Strengthened Bulk Cargo Vessel0Marshall Islands (3)Randy Rose (1)WestRoute #2
21220142014Silver Explorer (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (23)Alwexander Golubev (1)WestRoute #5
21320142014Triton (1)Motor Vessel50Marshall Islands (4)Paul Jones (1)EastRoute #6
21420132015Empiricus (1)Ketch15United States (24)Jesse Osborn (1)EastRoute #6
21520132015Le Manguier (1)Motor Vessel21France (16)Phillipe Hercher (1)EastRoute #6
21620142015Moli/Gjoa (1)Sloop13Canada (41)Glen Bainbridge (1)WestRoute #6
21720142015Philos (2)Schooner15Australia (7)Roger Wallis (2)EastRoute #6
21820152015Aventura (1)Sloop14Britain (22)James (Jimmy) Cornell (1)EastRoute #6
21920152015Bagheera (1)Cutter16Netherlands (4)Erik de Jong (1)WestRoute #3
22020152015Drifter Way (1)Ketch15Canada (42)Robert Graf (1)WestRoute #3
22120152015Equanimity (1)Yacht92Cayman Islands (10)Glenn Dalby and Simon Jones (3)WestRoute #3
22220152015Fennica (1)Icebreaker (Multipurpose)0Finland (3)Tommy Berg (1)EastRoute #3
22320152015Hawk (1)Sloop13United States (25)Joe Wolff (1)WestRoute #4
22420152015La Chimere (1)Sloop10France (17)Emanuel Wattecamps-Etienne (1)WestRoute #4
22520152015Latitude (2)Motor Yacht45Cayman Islands (11)Sean Meagher (2)EastRoute #5
22620152015Le Boreal (1)Cruise Vessel0France (18)Étienne Garcia (2)WestRoute #6
22720152015Le Soleal (2)Cruise Vessel0France (19)Patrick Marchesseau (2)WestRoute #6
22820152015Necton (1)Ketch14Netherlands (5)Aldert Hesseling (1)EastRoute #6
22920152015Nordica (1)Icebreaker (Multipurpose)0Finland (4)Matti Westerland (1)EastRoute #3
23020152015Salty (1)Cutter20United States (26)Carl Zaniboni (1)WestRoute #3
23120152015Selma (1)Ketch20Poland (5)Piotr Kuźniar (1)WestRoute #6
23220152015Snow Dragon II (1)Yacht15United States (27)Frances Brann (1)WestRoute #3
23320152015Tiama (1)Yacht12France (20)Jean Michel (1)WestRoute #4
23420152016Maia (1)Yacht11Hungary (1)Zoltan Balaton (1)WestRoute #4
23520162016Africaborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (6)Eric Rosner (1)EastRoute #5
23620162016Agar II (1)Sloop15Israel (1)Motti Baer (1)EastRoute #6
23720162016Bonavalette (1)Sloop11Switzerland (3)David Giovannini (1)WestRoute #4
23820162016Breakpoint (1)Sloop14Germany (5)Thomas Witt (1)WestRoute #6
23920162016Caledonia (1)Sloop20Germany (6)Claudia Rehklau (1)EastRoute #5
24020162016Crystal Serenity (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (24)Birger J. Vorland (1)EastRoute #5
24120162016Eagles Quest II (1)Sloop18Hong Kong (1)Chu Kee Duen (1)EastRoute #6
24220162016Galileo G (1)Motor Yacht55Britain (23)Tom Buddle (1)WestRoute #4
24320162016Happy Rover (Biglift/Wagenborg?) (1)Cargo Vessel138Netherlands (7)Frank Versteegh (1)EastRoute #7
24420162016Hetairos (1)Ketch67Cayman Islands (12)Graham Newton (1)WestRoute #6
24520162016Kapitan Khlebnikov (18)Icebreaker0Russia (25)Vladimir Boldakov (1)WestRoute #2
24620162016L'Austral (2)Cruise Vessel0France (21)Patrick Marchesseau (3)WestRoute #4
24720162016Maewan IV (1)Sloop11France (22)Erwan Le Lann (1)WestRoute #6
24820162016Manevai (1)Sloop14France (23)Eric Abadie (1)WestRoute #4
24920162016Pachamama (1)Sloop15Switzerland (4)Dario Schworer (1)EastRoute #7
25020162016Polar Bound (6)Motor Boat15Britain (24)David Scott Cowper (7)WestRoute #7
25120162016Kluane/Ratafi (1)Yacht10France (24)Jean-Baptiste Cornet (1)WestRoute #4
25220162016Yvinec (1)Yacht12France (25)Guirec Soudee (1)WestRoute #6
25320162017Nomad (1)Sloop13Austria (3)Wolfgang Slanec (1)WestRoute #6
25420172017Abel Tasman (1)Yacht23Cook Islands (1)Roger Wallis (3)EastRoute #6
25520172017Alkahest (1)Cutter13United States (28)Jay Tremlay (1)WestRoute #6
25620172017Arcticaborg (1)Icebreaker (Cargo Tug)0Curacao (1)Igor Umerenko (1)WestRoute #3
25720172017Atlanticborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (8)Vladimir Manaev (1)EastRoute #7
25820172017Bremen/Frontier Spirit (9)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (25)Roman Obrist (2)EastRoute #7
25920172017Celebrate (1)Yacht18United States (29)Charles Simon (1)WestRoute #6
26020172017Crystal Serenity (2)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (26)Birger J. Vorland (2)EastRoute #5
26120172017Freydis (1)Cutter17Germany (7)Erich Wilts (1)EastRoute #6
26220172017Havelstern (1)Tanker0Canada (43)Daniel Roberts (1)WestRoute #3
26320172017Irene (1)Ketch15United States (30)Peter Niemann (1)EastRoute #6
26420172017Kerguelen (1)Ketch11France (26)Erwan Dupeis (1)WestRoute #3
26520172017Kigdlua (1)Sloop13Greenland (1)Jens Erik Kjeldsen (1)WestRoute #4
26620172017Lady Free (1)Gaff Cutter12Norway (4)Jan Martin Nordbotten (1)EastRoute #6
26720172017Larissa (1)Cutter14New Zealand (5)Mark Domney (1)EastRoute #6
26820172017Le Boreal (2)Cruise Vessel0France (27)Erwin Le Rouzik (1)WestRoute #6
26920172017Le Why (1)Schooner20France (28)Ghisiain Bardout (1)WestRoute #4
27020172017Makore 2 (1)Yacht14France (29)Paul Bucaille (1)WestRoute #6
27120172017USCGC Maple (1)Buoy Tender0United States (31)Patrick Armstrong (1)EastRoute #3
27220172017Morning Haze (1)Sloop17Germany (8)Jochen Winter (1)WestRoute #6
27320172017Muktuk (2)Sloop14Austria (4)Karl Mayer (2)EastRoute #6
27420172017Nauta D (1)Yacht17Germany (9)Manfred Heinrich (1)WestRoute #6
27520172017Nehaj (1)Cutter12Germany (10)Susanne Huber-Curphey (1)EastRoute #6
27620172017Nordica (2)Icebreaker (Multipurpose)0Finland (5)Jyri Vilanen (1)EastRoute #3
27720172017Plum (1)Cutter22Malta (1)Enrico Tettamanti (1)EastRoute #6
27820172017Polar Bound (7)Motor Boat15Britain (25)David Scott Cowper (8)EastRoute #5
27920172017Polar Prince (2)Icebreaker0Canada (44)Stephan Guy (1)WestRoute #3
28020172017Tiama (2)Sloop15New Zealand (6)Henk Haazen (1)EastRoute #6
28120172017Tonga (1)Yacht14France (30)Franck Delahaie (1)WestRoute #6
28220172017Tranquilo (2)Cutter18Netherlands (9)Bart Veldink (2)EastRoute #5
28320172017Valentina (1)Sloop15Russia (26)Sergei Shchekoldin (1)WestRoute #6
28420172017Xue Long (1)Icebreaker0China (1)Shen Quan (1)WestRoute #3
28520172017Zulumbus (1)Yacht12Austria (5)Berhard Moser (1)WestRoute #6
28620152018Jim Kilabuk (1)Cargo Tug0Canada (45)Bruce Davis (1)EastRoute #3
28720182018Infinity (1)Ketch37Germany (11)Clemens Gabriel Oestreich (1)EastRoute #6
28820182018Thor (1)Cutter17Germany (12)Thomas Grothe (1)WestRoute #5
28920192019Alioth (1)Cutter17Belgium (4)Vincent Moeyersome (1)WestRoute #3
29020192019Altego II (1)Cutter16Slovakia (1)Jiri Denk (1)WestRoute #3
29120192019Amazoneborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (10)Richard de Rijk (1)EastRoute #5
29220192019Amazoneborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (11)Richard de Rijk (2)WestRoute #7
29320192019Americaborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (12)Sergey Slyva (1)EastRoute #5
29420192019Biglift Barentsz (1)Heavy Transport Vessel0Netherlands (13)Remmert-Jan Koster (1)WestRoute #3
29520192019Bremen/Frontier Spirit (10)Ice-Strengthened Ship0Bahamas (27)Joern Gottschalk (1)WestRoute #3
29620192019Breskell (1)Yacht16United States (32)Olivier Dupond-Huin (1)WestRoute #3
29720192019David Thompson (1)Research Vessel0Canada (46)Michael Heavenor (1)EastRoute #5
29820192019Fredoya (1)Cutter17Malta (2)Frederik Jougla (1)WestRoute #3
29920192019Inook (1)Cutter14France (31)Laurent Gouy (1)WestRoute #3
30020192019Kamaxitha (1)Ketch55Cayman Islands (13)Tim Urwin (1)WestRoute #3
30120192019L'Austral (3)Cruise Vessel0France (32)Patrick Marchesseau (4)WestRoute #5
30220192019Le Boreal (3)Cruise Vessel0France (33)Étienne Garcia (3)WestRoute #5
30320192019Mandragore (1)Cutter11United States (33)Pablo David Saad (1)WestRoute #3
30420192019Mirabelle (1)Sloop13France (34)Antonin Barrier-Moulis (1)WestRoute #3
30520192019Moli/Gjoa (2)Sloop13United States (34)Randall Reeves (1)WestRoute #3
30620192019Morgane (1)Sloop10Belgium (5)Robin Kislig (1)WestRoute #3
30720192019Opale (1)Sloop13France (35)Marc Pedeau (1)WestRoute #3
30820192019Roald Amundsen (1)Cruise Vessel0Norway (5)Kai Albrigtsen (1)WestRoute #6
30920192019Sherpa (1)Motor Yacht74Cayman Islands (14)Jako Hall (1)EastRoute #3
31020192019Snow White (1)Cutter14Czechia (1)Miroslav Racan (1)WestRoute #3
31120192019Tecla (1)Gaff Ketch28Netherlands (14)Gijs Sluik (1)WestRoute #4
31220192019Thamesborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (15)Sergey Inzhevatov (1)WestRoute #3
31320192019The World (2)Condominium Vessel0Bahamas (28)Dag Harald Saevik (2)WestRoute #3
31420202020Adriaticborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (16)Oleksandr Galaktionov (1)EastRoute #7
31520202020Adriaticborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (17)Vladimir Manaev (2)WestRoute #7
31620202020Amstelborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (18)K. R. Boer (1)EastRoute #7
31720202020Arneborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (19)Volodymyr Stupa (1)WestRoute #7
31820202020Kiwi Roa (1)Condominium Vessel0New Zealand (7)Peter Kevin Smith (1)EastRoute #6
31920202020Trinityborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (20)Aleksander Shishkin (1)WestRoute #5
32020212021Albanyborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (21)Vitaliy Ryndin (1)WestRoute #5
32120212021Amazoneborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (22)Michiel de Gries (1)EastRoute #5
32220212021Atlanticborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (23)Sergey Slyva (2)WestRoute #5
32320212021HMCS Harry DeWolf (1)Icebreaker0Canada (47)Corey Gleason (1)WestRoute #5
32420212021USCGC Healy (3)Icebreaker0United States (35)Kenneth Boda (1)EastRoute #2
32520222022Alamosborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (24)Sorin Costel Mereuta (1)WestRoute #7
32620222022Alaskaborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (25)Mykhailo Musalik (1)EastRoute #7
32720222022Amurborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (26)Anatoliy Gromenko (1)EastRoute #7
32820222022Avonborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (27)Auke Johannes Witteveen (1)WestRoute #7
32920222022Azoresborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (28)Johannes Pieter Poot (1)EastRoute #3
33020222022Blue Moon (1)Yacht60Cayman Islands (15)Patrick Allman (1)EastRoute #6
33120222022Draco (1)Cutter12Switzerland (5)Andrew Cassels (1)WestRoute #6
33220222022Fraternidada (1)Ketch21Brasil (1)Aleixo Belov (1)EastRoute #6
33320222022Imaqa (1)Yacht18Malta (3)Jeff Ollivier (1)EastRoute #6
33420222022Inook (2)Cutter14France (36)Laurent Gouy (2)EastRoute #6
33520222022Jaca (1)Yacht14Canada (48)Jamie Cox (1)EastRoute #6
33620222022L'Austral (4)Cruise Vessel0France (37)Stanislas Devorsine (1)WestRoute #6
33720222022Le Boreal (4)Cruise Vessel0France (38)Mickaël Debien (1)WestRoute #6
33820222022Le Commandant Charcot (1)Cruise Vessel / Icebreaker0France (39)Étienne Garcia (4)WestRoute CP
33920222022Mae West (1)Ketch15Netherlands (29)Andre Speet (1)WestRoute #4
34020222022National Geographic Endurance (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (29)Aaron Wood (1)WestRoute #3
34120222022National Geographic Endurance (2)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (30)Aaron Wood (2)EastRoute #4
34220222022National Geographic Resolution (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (31)Martin Graser (1)EastRoute #6
34320222022Noorderzon (1)Motor Vessel36Jamaica (1)Maiwenn Beadle (1)WestRoute #4
34420222022Polar Sun (1)Yacht15United States (36)Benjamin Zortman (1)WestRoute #4
34520222022Roald Amundsen (2)Cruise Vessel0Norway (6)Terje Johnny Willassen (1)EastRoute #5
34620222022Scenic Eclipse (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (32)James Griffiths (1)WestRoute #3
34720222022Silver Wind (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (33)Millo Pontillo (1)WestRoute #3
34820222022Taagborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (30)Jasper Wever (1)WestRoute #5
34920222022Taya (1)Yacht14United States (37)Alan Cresswell (1)WestRoute #6
35020222022Thamesborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (31)Roman Yerin (1)EastRoute #6
35120222022Trinityborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (32)Vitaliy Ryndin (2)WestRoute #3
35220232023Admiral Bellingshausen (1)Ketch24Estonia (1)Priit Kuusk (1)WestRoute #6
35320232023Adriaticborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (33)Maksym Lugovoy (1)WestRoute #3
35420232023Alaskaborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (34)Oleksiy Shaposhnykov (1)EastRoute #5
35520232023Albanyborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (35)Yevgen Shcherbyna (1)WestRoute #7
35620232023Albanyborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (36)Yevgen Shcherbyna (2)EastRoute #7
35720232023Americaborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (37)Yuriy Ivanoy (1)WestRoute #7
35820232023Americaborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (38)Yuriy Ivanoy (2)EastRoute #7
35920232023Aquijo (1)Ketch86Cayman Islands (16)Gerhard Veldsman (1)WestRoute #5
36020232023Arneborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (39)Dmitrii Aristov (1)WestRoute #3
36120232023Avonborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (40)Sorin Costel Mereuta (2)WestRoute #7
36220232023Biglift Barentsz (2)Heavy Transport Vessel0Netherlands (41)Sergey Chikishev (1)WestRoute #3
36320232023Caprivi (1)Yacht13United States (38)Ben Couturier (1)WestRoute #5
36420232023Fridtjof Nansen (1)Cruise Vessel0Norway (7)Kai Albrigtsen (2)WestRoute #4
36520232023Hanseatic Nature (1)Cruise Vessel0Malta (4)Jens Trojer (1)EastRoute #3
36620232023Happy Delta (Biglift/Wagenborg?) (1)Cargo Vessel0Netherlands (42)Dymtro Gomarev (1)WestRoute #2
36720232023Hayat (1)Yacht13Canada (49)Dariusz Krowiak (1)WestRoute #5
36820232023Integrity (1)Sloop13Britain (26)William Sterling (1)WestRoute #5
36920232023Kluane/Ratafi (2)Yacht10Canada (50)Étienne Gros (1)EastRoute #5
37020232023L'Austral (5)Cruise Vessel0France (40)Fabien Roché (1)WestRoute #4
37120232023Le Boreal (5)Cruise Vessel0France (41)Mickaël Debien (2)WestRoute #4
37220232023Le Commandant Charcot (2)Cruise Vessel / Icebreaker0France (42)Patrick Marchesseau (5)WestRoute #1
37320232023Mae West (2)Ketch15Netherlands (43)Andre Speet (2)EastRoute #5
37420232023Magnus Zaremba (1)Cutter18Poland (6)Eugeniusz Moczydłowski (1)WestRoute #5
37520232023National Geographic Resolution (2)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (34)Heidi Norling (1)WestRoute #6
37620232023Pacific Excellence (1)Bulk Carrier0Liberia (1)? (1)WestRoute #3
37720232023Que Sera (1)Schooner16France (43)Père Valera Taltavull (1)WestRoute #6
37820232023Roald Amundsen (3)Cruise Vessel0Norway (8)Terje Johnny Willassen (2)EastRoute #5
37920232023Scenic Eclipse (2)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (35)Radomir Novose (1)EastRoute #6
38020232023Seabourn Venturer (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (36)Alex Golbev (1)WestRoute #5
38120232023Sentijn (1)Ketch12United States (39)John Pennington (1)WestRoute #5
38220232023Shinkai (1)Motor Yacht55Marshall Islands (5)Marcus Desaunois (1)WestRoute #7
38320232023Silver Wind (2)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (37)Giovanni Mazella (1)WestRoute #6
38420232023Skokica 3 (1)Yacht12Slovenia (1)Miran Tepeš (1)WestRoute #5
38520232023Sylvia Earle (1)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (38)Artem Kolmykov (1)WestRoute #6
38620232023Taagborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (44)Richard de Rijk (1)WestRoute #7
38720232023Tecla (2)Gaff Ketch28Netherlands (45)Gijs Sluik (2)EastRoute #5
38820232023Terra Nova (1)Yacht18United States (40)Matt Thomas (1)EastRoute #6
38920232023Thindra (1)Yacht18Norway (9)Sigurd Tengs (1)WestRoute #5
39020232023Trinityborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (46)Vitaly Ryndin (1)EastRoute #7
39120232023Ugly Betty (1)Motor Boat26Marshall Islands (6)Jonathan J. Brown (1)WestRoute #4
39220232023Walkabout (1)Sloop11Germany (13)Thomas Müller (1)WestRoute #5
39320232024Seabelle (1)Yacht14New Zealand (8)Calin Bujgoi (1)WestRoute #5
39420242024Abel Tasman (2)Sloop23Norway (10)Keith Tuffley (1)WestRoute #5
39520242024Adriaticborg (4)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (47)B. Vitaliy (1)WestRoute #5
39620242024Amurborg (2)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (48)S. Khokhryakov (1)EastRoute #5
39720242024Amurborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (49)S. Khokhryakov (2)WestRoute #3
39820242024Atlanticborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (50)S. Shmaydij (1)WestRoute #3
39920242024Avonborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (51)R. Duits (1)WestRoute #5
40020242024Avonborg (4)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (52)Bart Raaphorst (1)EastRoute #7
40120242024Beothuk (2)Motor Vessel31Cayman Islands (17)Jerry Samuelson (1)EastRoute #5
40220242024Dogbark (1)Yacht17United States (41)Graeme Esarey (1)EastRoute #5
40320242024Fridtjof Nansen (2)Cruise Vessel0Norway (11)Bent Ivar Gangdal (1)WestRoute #4
40420242024Hanseatic Spirit (1)Cruise Vessel0Malta (5)Claas Fischer Jayson (1)EastRoute #3
40520242024Hauru (1)Yacht14Poland (7)Andrzej Pochodaj (1)WestRoute #5
40620242024Inatiz (1)Yacht16Poland (8)Maciej Sodkiewicz (1)WestRoute #5
40720242024Le Boreal (6)Cruise Vessel0France (44)Mickaël Debien (3)WestRoute #6
40820242024Le Commandant Charcot (3)Cruise Vessel / Icebreaker0France (45)Étienne Garcia (5)WestRoute #1
40920242024Libertaire (1)Yacht16France (46)Damien Feneon (1)EastRoute #5
41020242024Lumi (1)Cutter14Finland (6)Juho Karhu (1)EastRoute #5
41120242024Lumina (1)Sail Cutter15Britain (27)Tim Riley (1)WestRoute #5
41220242024Moli/Gjoa (3)Sloop13United States (42)Randall Reeves (2)EastRoute #5
41320242024Myhann (1)Yacht14France (47)Dominique Dom (1)WestRoute #5
41420242024Nassauborg (1)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (53)M. Mulder (1)WestRoute #7
41520242024National Geographic Resolution (3)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (39)Martin Graser (2)WestRoute #6
41620242024Night Owl (1)Yacht15Britain (28)Thomas Sperrey (1)WestRoute #5
41720242024Noorderzon (2)Motor Boat36Jamaica (2)Blet Estelle (1)EastRoute #3
41820242024Pinocchio (1)Yacht14Canada (51)Marcus Forns (1)EastRoute #5
41920242024Purpose (1)Motor Yacht55Cayman Islands (18)Simon Whitehead (1)WestRoute #5
42020242024Que Sera (2)Schooner16France (48)Père Valera Taltavull (2)EastRoute #5
42120242024Roald Amundsen (4)Cruise Vessel0Norway (12)Kai Albrigtsen (3)EastRoute #6
42220242024Silver Wind (3)Cruise Vessel0Bahamas (40)Giovanni Mazella (2)WestRoute #3
42320242024Sky Dancer (1)Schooner23Norway (13)Nick Weis-Fogh (1)WestRoute #5
42420242024Sylvia Earle (2)Cruise Vessel11Bahamas (41)Jorge Ferdinez (1)WestRoute #6
42520242024Taagborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (54)S. Vliegen (1)EastRoute #5
42620242024Thamesborg (3)Ice-Strengthened Cargo Ship0Netherlands (55)Roman Yerin (2)EastRoute #3
42720242024Thor (1)Cutter20United States (43)Gerd Marggraff (1)WestRoute #5
42820242024Tiama (3)Sloop15New Zealand (9)Henk Haazen (2)WestRoute #5
42920242024Tom Lene (1)Tanker0Denmark (3)Dahl Kim (1)EastRoute #3
43020242024Voyager (1)Yacht15Switzerland (6)Adriano Viganò (1)WestRoute #5